Word Missions

Why We Do Missions

Missions are a vital part of what we do here at Word. We do missions because we want to see the gospel spread to the entire world. We believe in doing mission on four major levels; local, state, national &  global. You will be my witness in both Jerusalem , and in all Judea and Samaria, even to the remotest part of the World - Acts 1:8 

Upcoming Mission Trips

Word Missions has trips in Jonesboro, Arkansas, the United States and around the world! Learn more about our upcoming trips below.

Trip Date: July 9th - 16th 
Deadline: March 31st
Cost: $1800-$2000

Trip Date: July 31st - Aug 5th
Deadline: April 1st
Cost: $700-$1000

More information here
More information here

Trip Dates: July 21st - 30th
Deadline: March 31st
Cost: $2500-$2800

Trip Dates: TBD
Deadline: TBD
Cost: $TBD

More information here
More information here

Interested in participating in an upcoming trip? Reach out for more information!

Missionaries we Support

Spencer Rice

Spencer is a missionary in Japan. He moved to Japan in 2021. Currently He recently finished up his language school. Currently he is partnered with a local church who is helping him get acclimated and preparing him for ministry in Japan. 

Luke and Mary
South Asia

Luke is a native to the area. He is currently seeking to plant churches within the Muslim people living in his city. He and his wife have been married ____ and have a child who is two. 

John Smith
South Asia

John is a partner with Luke. He currently works alongside Luke to reach Muslims with the gospel. He recently graduated Bible College. 

Missionaries we Support

Jordan Clark
Española, New Mexico

Both Allie and Jordan Clark grew up in the south but felt God calling them out west to plant a church. In 2020 this became a reality. Jordan is currently pastoring a church in Española, NM alongside Justin Smith. They have seen the church grow in their time there. 

Justin Smith
Española, New Mexico

Jana and Justin Smith are newlyweds. Justin is a native of NM and is pastoring alongside Jordan. You are likely never going to see Justin without a hat. He has been so helpful in heling Allie and Jordan settle in New Mexico. 

Claire Hulett

Claire is from Jonesboro and is currently doing the Journeyman program through the IMB. This is a two year program in which she will be living in Eastern Europe working alongside long term missionaries. She will help them be able to do different outreach they are not able to do by themselves. She does most of her outreach to local college students. 

Missionaries we Support

Dominican Republic

Gilberto and his family live int the Dominican. Gilberto has been serving as the pastor at Word Baptist DR since its inception. He also serves as a professor at a local college to help support his family. 

Brenda & Marco Palafox
Español, Jonesboro

Brenda and Marco are responsible for planting Word  En Español right here in Jonesboro. They seek to minister and witness to those whose first language is Spanish. They have 3 children who help them in this work. Marco works during the week for Haag Brown.